News / Opportunities
2020 Call for Nominations AGNES Grants for Junior Researchers

2020 Call for Nominations AGNES Grants for Junior Researchers

(Language of Application: All applications MUST be submitted in English)

I. Programmes

We are pleased to announce the “Call for Applications” for two of our funding programmes:

  1. AGNES-PAWS Grant for Junior Female Researchers’. This Grant is designed for “Programme Advocating Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics” (PAWS)
  2. AGNES Grant for Junior Researchers (generally for Male and Female candidates)

These two grants are generously funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and with support of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH). The two Mobility Grants for Junior Researchers aim to strengthen the scientific capacity in Africa through active co- operation of AGNES members. It further supports Humboldtians in their efforts towards coaching and mentoring high potential junior researchers, helping them to access international networks of scientific excellence (e.g. AvH).

II. Eligibility and Nomination

Consideration of recipients for the AGNES Grant for Junior Researchers is only by nomination of candidates, and not through direct application. On top of your nomination, indicate whether you are applying for the AGNES Grant for Junior Researchers or AGNES-PAWS Grant for Junior Researchers. AGNES Members and African Humboldtians may nominate, for each programme, 2 excellent candidates who graduated with the PhD from 2018 onwards. Excellent candidates who will graduate before the end of 2020 may also be nominated. The nominator should consider only those candidates who have outstanding academic record with good publications in peer-reviewed international journals, with Thomson Reuters ISIS Impact Factor. The nominee must be a national of a sub-Saharan African country and be interested to apply for fellowship programmes of the AvH ( fellowship-postdoc.html) to carry out a post-doctoral scientific research project in Germany.

NB: It is the wish of the AvH and of AGNES to attract excellent candidates from all sub-Saharan countries. Nominators are therefore requested to also contact colleagues from other African countries to identify excellent candidates for nomination. AGNES encourages the nomination of candidates from all fields of research, including, ALL Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences (for the AGNES Grant for Junior researchers) and exclusively from STEM (for the AGNES- PAWS Grant for Junior female researchers.

III. Amount and Use of the Grant

The once-off grant amounts to EUR 1000.00 only. The recipient of the Grant must submit a signed letter of acceptance to the Governing Board of AGNES, co-signed by the AGNES nominator (mentor) within seven days of receipt of the offer. The Grant money will then be transferred into the bank account of the successful Junior Researcher. The Grant is awarded in recognition of the scientific achievements of the Grantee to date and his/her potential to successfully compete for an AvH post-doc fellowship. AGNES does not impose restrictions on the use of the Grant but it is envisaged that the Grant may serve as support during the preparation of the application for postdoctoral funding from the AvH.

IV. Nomination

A complete nomination package MUST include the following:

  1. A nomination form in AGNES template with the name of the nominator, the name of thenominee, the type of Grant considered (AGNES or AGNES-PAWS Grant for Junior Researchers), the reason for the nomination, the PhD graduation date of the nominee, the ranking of the nominees, the field of research, and the name and affiliation of a potential research partner in Germany (if already established).
  2. A CV of the nominee in AGNES Format with a full list of publications plus a digital copy of each publication (only the first page showing Authorship, Title and Date of the publication, Abstract and Journal information).
  3. Academic transcripts and graduation certificates from the nominee’s Tertiary Institute(s).
  4. For the Humanities, an extended abstract (5 pages) of the doctoral thesis has to be submitted.

Incomplete application will be rejected. Nominators are therefore urged to check the completeness of the nomination package for each of their nominees before submission.

Total size of application file by a nominator must not exceed 8 MB.

Please send the Nomination files via email to the AGNES Desk in Benin Republic: info@agnes- and

Nominations close at 12.00 h GMT time on December 05, 2020.

V. Selection

A selection committee comprised the AGNES Governing Board and additional evaluators based on their academic discipline/research expertise will evaluate the nominations. The core ranking criteria are the publication record and the prospects for successful international scientific co- operation (contacts with German academic institutions are required for AvH programmes). The selection committee will meet in January and candidates will be selected to receive a certificate and the once-off meritorious grant of EUR 1000. Successful candidates will be informed of the selection committee’s decision following the meeting. Nomination and selection of candidates for The AGNES Grant for Junior Researchers is no guarantee of acceptance into the post-doc funding programmes of the AvH, and does not imply preferential treatment once an application is submitted.


For any question, please, contact:

  • Prof Dr O. Clement Adebooye (Secretary of AGNES). Email:
  • Dr Achille Hounkpevi (Administrator of the AGNES office). Email:

About the Author

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