2024 Call for Applications
AGNES Junior Research Grant
Closed | Deadline: August 30th, 2024 (12.00 GMT)
Funded by
German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
PhD of not more than 3 years
Grant amount
EUR 1,000
The AGNES Junior Research Grant aims to strengthen scientific capacity in Sub Saharan Africa by funding outstanding top male and female scholar at PhD level and coach them to successfully apply and succeed to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellowship programmes. Consideration of candidates for the AGNES Junior Researchers Grant (JRG) is solely by nomination of candidates, and not through direct application. Candidates cannot apply directly for the JRG. AGNES Founder Members may nominate up to three (3) excellent candidates who graduated with PhD of not more than three (3) ago, from the date of application. Excellent women candidates who will graduate before the end of the year under consideration may also be nominated.
The nominator should consider only those candidates who have an outstanding academic record with, at least, one publication in a reputable international journal with Thomson Reuters (ISI) Impact Factor. The nominee must be interested to carry out a post-doctoral scientific research project in Germany under the auspices of the fellowship programmes of the AvH. It is the wish of the Humboldt Foundation and of AGNES to attract excellent candidates from all sub-Saharan countries. Nominators are therefore requested if possible, to contact colleagues from those countries which are least represented to request their support in detecting brilliant candidates. In this case they may nominate more candidates than authorized.
H. Sergi Akone (Grantee 2018)
Megan K. Mackay (Grantee 2018)
Olanrewaju Salako (Grantee 2018)
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