AGNES held 2023 Selection Board Meetings for Grants

AGNES held 2023 Selection Board Meetings for Grants

AGNES held 2023 Selection Board Meetings for the AGNES-BAYER Grant, AGNES Junior Research Grant (JRG) and AGNES Mobility Grant (MG) I’m pleased to inform all the applicants/nominees of the 2023 AGNES-Bayer Research Grant, Junior Research Grant (JRG) and Mobility Grant...
2021 AGNES General and AGNES-PAWS JRG.

2021 AGNES General and AGNES-PAWS JRG.

Dear AGNES Members and followers, The members of the AGNES selection Committee met online on February, 4th 2022, and proceed to the selection of successful candidates for the 2021 AGNES General and AGNES-PAWS Junior Researcher Grants. The selected nominees are...