News & Stories

2021 AGNES General and AGNES-PAWS JRG.

2021 AGNES General and AGNES-PAWS JRG.

Dear AGNES Members and followers, The members of the AGNES selection Committee met online on February, 4th 2022, and proceed to the selection of successful candidates for the 2021 AGNES General and AGNES-PAWS Junior Researcher Grants. The selected nominees are...

Biography of AGNES-BAYER Grantees 2021

Biography of AGNES-BAYER Grantees 2021

Alhassan Abdul-Wakeel Karakara Alhassan Abdul-Wakeel Karakara (Ghana) is a Ph.D in Economics Student and a Researcher in the School of Economics, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He is also a Research Associate at the Center for Economic Policy and Development...

2021 AGNES/AGNES-PAWS Mobility Grantees

2021 AGNES/AGNES-PAWS Mobility Grantees

The AGNES Selection Board met on August 18 to decide on the 2021 Mobility Grant applications. Below are the successful candidates. List of 2021 AGNES Mobility Grantees N FIRST NAME NAME FIELD OF STUDY NATIONALITY 1 Pascal Osabhahiemen AIGBEDION-ATALOR Entomology...

2020 AGNES Newsletter

2020 AGNES Newsletter

Dear AGNES members and Friends, Dear AGNES grantees, We are pleased to share with you the 2020 AGNES Newsletter. It summarises all the activities carried out by AGNES in 2020. Through this newsletter, you will surely learn more about us. Enjoy !!!

New sponsorship programme for PhDs returning to Africa

New sponsorship programme for PhDs returning to Africa

Dear AGNES members and friends, Dear AGNES grantees, We are pleased to inform you that The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) for the advancement of science in developing countries, with support of BMBF has launched a new programme ʺSeed Grant for New African Principal...

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