2024 Call for Applications
AGNES Intra-Africa Mobility Grants for Junior Researchers
(Supported by BMZ and AvH)
(Language of Application: All applications MUST be submitted in English)
Scope of Programmes:
AGNES is operating two Intra-Africa Mobility Grants for Junior Researchers for which application may be submitted directly by interested and qualified candidates from sub-Sahara Africa:
a) General AGNES Intra-Africa Mobility Grants for Junior Researchers (Generally for MALE and FEMALE candidates)
b) Special AGNES Intra-Africa Mobility Grants for Junior Researchers (For FEMALE candidates ONLY)
FEMALE candidates may apply for any or both of the grants while MALE candidates can only apply for General AGNES Intra-Africa Mobility Grants for Junior Researchers (Generally for MALE and FEMALE candidates). AGNES encourages applications from all research fields (Sciences, Humanities, Law and Social Sciences)
There is no geographical quota for the award of AGNES Grant in sub-Saharan Africa. All eligible candidates of sub-Saharan countries are eligible to apply for these grants. AGNES will however especially welcome applications from eligible candidates from these under-represented countries: Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Mali, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Angola, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo Brazzaville, Congo Kinshasa (DRC), Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda, Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Lesotho, Botswana, Mozambique, Maurutius, Mauritania, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe.
I. Background
We are pleased to announce the “Call for Applications” for our funding programme: “AGNES Intra-Africa Mobility Grant for Junior Researchers”. This grant is generously funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and with the support of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH). This AGNES Intra-Africa Mobility Grant for Junior Researchers aims to strengthen the scientific capacity and networking of young researchers in Africa through the active cooperation of AGNES and potential AGNES members. It further supports the alumni of the AvH in their efforts towards mentoring high potential junior researchers, helping them to access international networks of scientific excellence. For the two grants, AGNES Governing Board will aspire to achieve 50% inclusion of female researchers on the basis of merit.
II. Programmes
The AGNES Intra-Africa Mobility Grant enables doctoral candidates from sub-Saharan African countries to spend research stays of 1-2 months at a university/research institute in another sub-Saharan African country (hereafter referred to host institution), where they will be collaborating with an experienced researcher (hereafter referred to as scientific host). The proposed research must be part of the work towards the Doctoral research, including but not limited to bench work, laboratory studies, use of library resources and a write-up of the thesis or part of the thesis. Eligible junior researchers need to demonstrate the relevance of their work for the further development of their home countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The Grant aims to be as financially comprehensive as is reasonably possible for a short stay outside the borders of the applicant’s country, covering travel and subsistence and includes a research allowance to the host institute on request to cover some of the research expenses. A maximum Grant amount of EUR 2300 to EUR 3000 is earmarked for 1-2 months stays, respectively depending on the length of stay.
III. Eligibility and Application Process
Direct applications from junior researchers having published at least 1 article from their thesis work (in a non-predatory journal) will be considered for both AGNES Mobility Grants. The applicant: (a) may be from any academic discipline but must be officially registered for a doctoral degree at a university/tertiary institute in sub-Sahara Africa at the time of application, (b) must be a national of a sub-Saharan African country, and (c) must have, at least one already published paper from his/her thesis work (in a non-predatory journal). For the avoidance of doubt, we will only consider journals that are indexed by SCOPUS and Web of Science. The applicant must clearly demonstrate that their work is relevant towards development in sub-Saharan African countries and cannot be conducted in the home country. Only applicants with an identified scientific host and mutually agreed-upon proposal/work schedule will be considered for the Grant.
IV. Required Documents (Maximum size= 12MB)
Complete applications MUST include the following:
a) A short research/project proposal which MUST be in ENGLISH language (not more than 5 pages) from the junior scientist (applicant) with a short outline of the proposed research activity and a work schedule for achieving the aim(s) of the research project at the host institution. The scientific host must agree in writing to the proposal and time schedule.
b) A standard CV of the applicant which MUST be in ENGLISH language (use the AGNES template). The AGNES CV template can be obtained from here: Download AGNES Mobility Grant 2024 CV Template.
c) Official proof of registration for the postgraduate degree (only current doctoral students are eligible).
d) A copy of the official academic transcripts of the applicant, reflecting the grades obtained in the undergraduate and any postgraduate studies. If your transcript is in another language, please supply the official explanation of the grading system in English language.
e) A list of published articles in non-predatory journals (include an e-copy or screenshot of at least the Title/Author page). AGNES will not consider articles that are not indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science.
f) Travel costs (by land or economy class flight): supply two quotes for the journey (including return travel) between the applicant’s country of residence and the country of the host institute).
g) Estimated cost of living (rent, meals, local transport, health insurance) at the host institute. Applicants are expected to conclude a valid health insurance for the research stay. Scientific hosts and host institutes are expected to assist applicants in finding affordable accommodation and advise them on establishing subsistence estimates.
h) Letter of invitation from the scientific host (MUST be in English language): (i) confirming that a place to work will be available at the indicated period, (ii) a binding declaration from the host institution requesting an amount of the research cost allowance. The amount of EUR 100 per month and EUR 200 per month, respectively, will be deduced from the total grant amount for Humanities & Social Sciences, and Natural & Life Sciences and Engineering Sciences, to cover bench fees.
V. How to Submit Your Application
Interested junior scientists should apply by filling the online application form via the link below:
All applications must be submitted online by September 15th, 2024 at 00.00 GMT.
PS. All applications that do not follow indicated guidelines or with a missing required document will automatically be rejected.
VI. Amount and Use of the Grant
This once-off Grant cannot be used to fund stays retroactively. The recipient of the Grant and her/his scientific host must each email a signed letter of acceptance and contractual agreement to the Governing Board of AGNES within two weeks days of receipt of the offer. Upon completion of the research stay, Grantees and scientific hosts are both expected to report to AGNES on the progress and success of the collaboration within six months after completion of the research stay.
VII. Budget maximum (all expenses included)
1 Month: up to EUR 2,300
1.5 Months: up to EUR 2,650
2 Months: up to EUR 3,000
VIII. Selection Meeting
A selection meeting will hold in October 2024, and only selected candidates will be notified. Commencement of research stays: earliest is December 15th 2024, and the latest to be completed by 30th May, 2025.
For ANY questions concerning this call, please contact any of the underlisted:
Olaitan Joel-Anthony (Programme manager). Email: info@agnes-h.org
Dr. Ir. Romaric Vihotogbé (Secretary of AGNES). Email: rlvihotogbe@gmail.com
For ANY question on AGNES organization:
Prof. Alexandra Muellner-Riehl (Co-Chair of AGNES).
Email: muellner-riehl@uni-leipzig.de
Prof. Dr. Odunayo Clement Adebooye (President/Chair of AGNES).
Email: ocadebooye@daad-alumni.de